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How do I re-add a Deleted contact?

Any contact with a status of “Deleted” can be re-added as Subscribed by you. You can do this by reimporting the contacts in bulk. There are two ways to do that. 1. CSV file. Simply reimport the email addresses using the Import a CSV File option under Audience > Contacts

How do I reconfirm my list?

A list that is older than 12 months may contain a lot of stale (ie, old, invalid) email addresses, which can lead to a high bounce rate and/or spam rate. Both of those things can have a negative impact on your sending reputation. As such, you may need to reconfirm

How do I merge fields in my contact list?

If you have two or more fields that you’d like to combine into one, you can do that under Contacts > Fields and Tags. Why Would I Do This? An example of why you would want to do this would be if you wind up with three different fields for

How do I import contacts from Mailchimp?

EASY. We make it smooth like butter! Just click on Audience > Manage Contacts > Import Contacts. Then, click on the Import from Mailchimp button to get started: From here, you’ll type in your Mailchimp login details into the popup window. Once you click Login and continue, the system will automatically import

How do I edit a hard bounced email address?

To update a hard bounced email address with one that has been corrected, click on the email address from your hard bounce list under Reports for that particular campaign, or search for the contact and the name or email result. Then, click Update Email at the top of the page:

How do I add or remove existing contacts to a list?

Whether you are adding or removing contacts from a list, you have the option to do each one manually or in bulk. Add Contacts to a List Manual addition To add or remove existing contacts to one of your existing lists, or a new list, first look up the email

How do I auto-assign new subscribers to a list?

You can set up your signup form so that new subscribers are automatically placed into a list of your choosing. First, click on Sign Up Tools > Link to Your Signup Form. Then, click on List Settings on the left hand side: From here, you can choose 1) whether to

How do I choose which list new subscribers are added to?

To control which list new subscribers are added to, you have a couple of options, and all are under Forms. You can let them choose which list by adding any number of list options to your signup form. Click here to learn how. Please note that once you have added a

How do I add contacts to a list?

There are three ways to add contacts to a list in Robly. Import Contacts 1. From Audience > Manage Contacts > Import Contacts, choose any import option: Import from Mailchimp, Upload File, or Add Multiple Subscribers. 2. Click Add contact to lists. Then, type/choose the list(s) you want to add the