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merge tags

How do I add an opt-out link at the top of my email?

Robly automatically places an opt-out link in the footer of every email you send out. But oftentimes, it’s a great idea to put one at the top, too. This can help prevent SPAM complaints because people may be more likely to opt out if they see that option immediately (ie before they get to the bottom of the email). Here’s

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How do I merge fields in my contact list?

If you have two or more fields that you’d like to combine into one, you can do that under Contacts > Fields and Tags. Why Would I Do This? An example of why you would want to do this would be if you wind up with three different fields for City – let’s say you have “City – Home,” “City

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How do I set up a Forward to a Friend button?

**If the screenshots you see here don’t match what’s on your screen scroll down for instructions in our original editor.** First, drag a button into your campaign: Then, click on the button and find Link Type on the right hand side: In the URL field, type ‑‑FORWARD_LINK‑‑ (but do NOT copy/paste from here, you must type using your own keyboard), then hit Save: Then, click into the

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What are Merge Tags and How Do I Use Them?

What is a Merge Tag? Merge Tags (also known as Personalization Fields or Data Tags) allow you to customize your email campaigns to keep your customers more engaged. These tags are automatically created when you add fields to the Personalization tags page, or to your Sign Up Form. Adding a Merge tag into a Robly email allows you to include

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