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Will Robly add duplicate email addresses?

Nope! Our system will automatically ignore duplicate email addresses. If you add or import the same email address twice, we will only keep one instance of the email address in the system. However, if you’ve updated details about that contact (name, contact info, etc) and re-import it, that information will update without duplicating the email address. If you have one

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How do I copy a campaign?

**YOU CANNOT DUPLICATE OPENGEN CAMPAIGNS. YOU MUST DUPLICATE THE ORIGINAL!** 1) Click Email > Campaigns in the left-hand navigation. 2) Click the three dots to the right of the campaign you want to copy. Click either Copy or Copy As. 3) If you click Copy, you will see a pop-up box. Name the campaign, and click Copy. 4) If you click Copy As, you can convert the campaign

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