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How to Create Subject Lines using AI Generation

Creating an engaging subject line is the key to boosting open rates and improving the overall success of your email campaigns—but you’re not in it alone. Robly’s AI Generation feature will take the subject line you provide for the campaign and create five improved versions of it using our AI Assistant. You can use this feature twice per campaign, helping

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Can I edit a scheduled campaign?

Yes. You can edit a campaign that you have scheduled to send if it has not sent yet, but you CANNOT edit a campaign that is in the process of sending or has already sent. To do this, click EDIT under the name of the campaign under Campaigns.

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Why Aren’t My Subscribers Receiving My Campaign?

Most of the time, subscribers aren’t receiving campaigns because they’re stuck in SPAM filters. Here are a couple of things you can ask your subscribers to do: Ask subscribers to add your reply-to email address to their contact list. If they’ve already added the reply-to email address to their contact list, ask them to check their SPAM filter settings to

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