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How do I send a campaign with OpenGen?

OpenGen is a feature that boosts your open rate by resending your email campaign to your list to those who did not open it the first time. To learn more about what OpenGen does, click here. Send an OpenGen Campaign 1. Once you’re inside the Campaign Builder, click Choose Sending Options next to Sending Options. 2. Click Yes next to Enable OpenGen.  3. Then, update the subject

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What are OpenGen and RoblyEngage?

OpenGen and RoblyEngage by Robly Where maximum engagement meets optimized deliverability. OpenGen is a proprietary sending technology developed by Robly. Tens of thousands of SMB’s have seen open rates, click-through rates, and consequently ROI rise upwards of 50% from pre-OpenGen levels. Robly’s breakthrough invention of OpenGen in 2014 flipped the Email Marketing space on its head and put Robly on the map. We

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