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test emails

How do I send a test email?

There are 2 ways to send a test email in Robly. 1. The first way is to click the Send Test button in the Drag and Drop editor, which is under Options. This option is great if you want to send a test email to yourself and/or several colleagues – you can include a customizable message and you can enter as many email addresses as

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What do I do with the SMS/text verification code?

This feature is what will enable to you to send test emails in Robly. Click to Create a New Campaign under Campaigns, or click EDIT under an existing campaign you’ve already created. Click the Send Test Email button, which is under the Next Step button in our original editor and under Options in our new editor. This will load the prompt for

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Why am I not receiving test emails?

If you’re not receiving test emails, the first thing you should do is: Check your SPAM folder. In Gmail, also check your PROMOTIONS folder. Test emails can go missing for a few reasons: They’re in your SPAM folder because you’re using a new system or your email provider is interpreting something in your email as spammy. If it is in

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