How do I edit a hard bounced email address?
To update a hard bounced email address with one that has been corrected, click on the email address from your hard bounce list under Reports for that particular campaign, or search for the contact and the name or email result. Then, click Update Email at the top of the page: This will open a new […]
How do I add or remove existing contacts to a list?
Whether you are adding or removing contacts from a list, you have the option to do each one manually or in bulk. Add Contacts to a List Manual addition To add or remove existing contacts to one of your existing lists, or a new list, first look up the email addresses by searching or clicking […]
How to Caption an Image – Video
If you are using our newest editor, unfortunately this feature is not available. *Please note that you cannot currently caption an image within a text module*
How to Delete Contacts in Bulk – Video
How to enable and use Robly AI – Video
How do I auto-assign new subscribers to a list?
You can set up your signup form so that new subscribers are automatically placed into a list of your choosing. First, click on Sign Up Tools > Link to Your Signup Form. Then, click on List Settings on the left hand side: From here, you can choose 1) whether to Show/Hide the list name on […]
How do I choose which list new subscribers are added to?
To control which list new subscribers are added to, you have a couple of options, and all are under Forms. You can let them choose which list by adding any number of list options to your signup form. Click here to learn how. Please note that once you have added a list option to your form, […]
How do I search/sort my campaigns?
In Robly you can use the Search bar located under the orange bird in the Campaigns tab to search for your campaigns in a few different ways: 1. Search by Name. Enter any part of your campaign name into the search field to load the results that match. 2. Search by Date Created. Type in […]
How Does Google Analytics Tracking Work?
What is Google Analytics Tracking? Google Analytics Tracking is a way to track clicks and page views to your site and associate them to a Robly campaign using your own Google Analytics account. While Google Analytics tracks all incoming sources of web traffic (search engine, pay-per-click, Twitter, etc.), this feature lets you track page views and […]
Why can’t I delete a module?
If you’re having trouble deleting modules, it’s most likely because you’re using Chrome and have chosen to block pop-ups. When you delete a module, we load a pop-up that asks you if you’re sure you want to delete, so as to prevent potential boo-boos, aka, unwanted deletions. Clear your Chrome cache and restart your browser […]