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Spam Traps: Step-by-Step Instructions

If you’re account has been locked for spam traps, you will need to follow the instructions listed here prior to contacting us via email.

Why was my account locked?

Your account has been locked because our deliverability team has discovered that there are spam traps in your list. Spam traps will decimate your sending reputation and deliverability, so we definitely need to do everything we can to remove them from your list. Spam traps are not the same thing as spam complaints.

Before you contact us, please make sure read this blog post about spam traps. It contains a lot of information that will help you understand how this can happen to someone with a legitimate email list. 🙂

However, if for any reason, any third party or purchased email addresses have been added to your list, please remove them immediately.

How do we fix it?

The way we want to have you attempt to correct this issue is by setting up any regular campaign of your choosing to send to your contacts. You need to build a real campaign that will be send out out to all of your contacts. The only thing that will need to be adjusted for the purposes of fixing the problem will be the subject line.

Once you have built your campaign:

  1. You will select Entire Contact list on the 2nd step of the campaign builder. The email must be sent to ALL contacts in your account.
  2. You will add the following merge tag to the subject line of the campaign:

This will insert a random, 6-character string into the subject line such as 9ir54t, for example. You can place the merge tag anywhere in the subject line with your regular subject line words.

Also, make sure there is at least one space character between the last word and the beginning of the subject line.
Incorrect:  Thank you for your business!–MEMBER_ID_BASE_36–
Correct:   Thank you for your business! –MEMBER_ID_BASE_36–

Do NOT COPY PASTE the merge tag from this blog post. Type it in manually.

  1. Once you’ve set this up, reply to the email you received at your login email address that contains this information to confirm. This will email support[at] Do NOT click Send Now. We will first double check the merge tag to make sure it’s correct, then unlock the account and reply back to confirm that you are cleared to send the email out. For now, your ability to send campaigns is temporarily suspended until this is taken care of because this is such a detriment to your deliverability as well as ours.
  2. After you have received clearance from us to send the email out, click Send Now and then reply to our confirmation email letting us know you have sent the campaign out.

Then What?

The identified spam trap emails will trickle in over the 24-48 hours and we will remove them for you on the back end over this time period. We do not provide information about identified spam traps to you, so please do not ask. This usually fixes the problem for existing email addresses – however, if your account continues to have issues with spam traps down the road, our compliance team may suspend your account.

Please email support[at] with any additional questions.
